Shower Steamer How To

Transform Your Shower with JM Botanicals Shower Steamers

Discover Aromatic Bliss

Shower steamers are a fantastic way to turn your everyday shower into a luxurious spa-like experience. Here’s a quick guide on how to use them effectively and enjoy their full benefits.

How to Use Shower Steamers

  1. Choose Your Steamer: Select a steamer based on your desired effect, such as relaxation, energy boost, or sinus relief.
  2. Check Water Temperature: Ensure your shower is warm to create enough steam.
  3. Position Your Steamer: Place it on the shower floor, away from direct water flow but where water splashes can reach it.
  4. Enjoy the Aromatherapy: Breathe deeply and immerse yourself in the soothing scents.
  5. Post-Shower Care: Rinse away any remaining residue to prevent slipping.

Tips for Enhanced Experience

  • Combine with Other Products: Use JM Botanicals soap or bath bomb to elevate your experience.
  • Proper Storage: Keep steamers in a cool, dry place to maintain their potency.

Benefits of Shower Steamers

  • Lavender: Calms and relieves stress.
  • Eucalyptus: Clears sinuses and invigorates.
  • Peppermint: Energizes and refreshes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use shower steamers in a bath?
No, they are designed for showers. For baths, use bath bombs.

How long do shower steamers last?
Typically, one session. Place further from direct water flow for longer use.

Are shower steamers safe for everyone?
Generally, yes. Check ingredients if you have allergies to specific essential oils.


Elevate your shower routine with JM Botanicals’ shower steamers. With various scents and benefits, find the perfect addition to your self-care ritual. Visit JM Botanicals to explore our collection.